Monday, March 9, 2015

We Met Again (Shady Ramzy)

We Met Again

    Clouds were breathing pretty fine, the ground manged to have everything on for another day , but two adventurers in a 4-wheel drive with photography equipment, was a misunderstanding scene by the local police. Fortunately, we managed to get out of it.
Forgetting this queer, funny situation, we reached our destination in about seven hours. After a while, we got our spot at the foothill, but we sighted nothing with our naked eyes, even with the telephoto lenses! It wasn't expected, but birds don't always come on time. Our only path was patience.

    Thirty minutes later Jemy, my friend, snapped the first one then others appeared in the scene but too far to capture acceptable shots. 

    "The mountain!" The idea stroke my mind, but Jemy wasn't interested at all in such a rushed, unexpected suggestion. So I had to do it all alone. I started hiking the mountain! There I could have a better view, I completed about 80% of the distance but even at that height I couldn't take satisfying photographs. With no sign of hope to photograph "The Migrated Birds of Prey" I hiked down and reached the foothill safely, after many anxious thoughts, fears and bodily obstacles. But that's how things go with the wildlife photographers.

    A month later, I was just chilling in the balcony at my home, hundreds of kilometers away from that area. And while staring at the sky, I saw angels, I could clearly see a blend of Steppe Eagles, Steppe Buzzard, Lesser Spotted Eagle and others. Just wow! They are the birds for which I traveled too far. I got much closer shots and named it "My recompensed Gift".

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