Saturday, March 7, 2015

Diffusion (Noah)

Hello, my name is Noah J Today I have a treat for all of you; A gift, for all my friends feeling disappointed, sad, or just in a bad mood. All you have to do is lend me your attention for a couple of minutes and read this article as fast as you're comfortable with. Let nothing distract you and let nothing interrupt you. Breathe and clear your head. And I promise you're gonna feel a lot better after this. J

What I need you to do is picture everything bad or negative you can think of right now, picture them gather in one small black hairy ball. About the size of a golf ball. You're holding it in your hand. Everything wrong with your day is within the tips of your fingers. Now look at it a little more closely, and try to get as much detail out of that little fuzz ball as you can. Remember, only read as fast as images form in your head. Get a good definition of that ball, how dark the black is, how thick the hairs are. You can even try moving it around in your hand a little bit. Weigh it, maybe… Just get a good image.

Once you have a clear picture of that ball in your head I want you to imagine a cup of clear water. It's right in front of you and you can see it very clearly. The water is still and it's crystal clear.  Now I want you to throw that ball in the water. The ball is getting wet in the water, and the wet hairs are dissolving. Their black color is diffusing slowly into the water, spreading like ink. As they diffuse the ball is getting smaller, and smaller. The black color is diffusing faster, and is now spreading into all sorts of colors. Violet, blue, red, green... You can see a color you really like there. It may be just catchy, or it may be your favorite color. My favorite color is dark red, what's yours?

Focus on that color you like. You almost are cheering for it to spread faster and you're almost smiling to see it kinda does… Yet something catches your attention. The colors are getting lighter...They are getting fainter.

After all of the water is tinted in a faint colorful hue, you notice the colors begin to fade one by one, in such an artistic manner. You smile as you notice the color you liked was the last one to fade, leaving the water as clear as it was. We're done J

Well :D Do you feel any better? Are you maybe.. smiling? J I sure hope you are. And I'd be very happy if I helped make your day just a little better. J
Stay awesome. Stay happy. :D

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