Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My Corrupted Pet (Bothaina Ayman, Visionaries)

My Corrupted Pet

The sun bathed the people with a blinding beam, plastering them with sweat and warmth. Occasionally, the buildings would shield the people from the cruel sun, but it did not stop the heat from seeping through the shadow of those buildings. But even though it was a sizzling day, it did not stop people from going out, whether to work or simply to find  leisure.
A certain figure, rather sinful to be truthful, walked against the crowd. He pumped through people's shoulders and muttered curses under his corrupted breath. His head was held high, belittling people's presence around him. But most importantly, his eyes; oh how his eyes sneered secretly and mischievously, one glance would pierce a hole through one's head – not literally, of course, but they were sharp as arrows and green as thorns.
Seth William, a suitable name, fits him like a puzzle. Seth worked as a business man in a company not so widely known, but as long as it paid the taxes, Seth always claimed to his 'wife'. It's a wonder how he even calls her his 'wife', why, you ask?
Unfortunately, Seth's spoiled heart cannot keep one woman in his life. In fact, it's been two whole years since he's been cheating on his poor wife.
Seth entered the familiar building, finding familiar, somehow terrified, faces. He walks with long strides, given that his legs were quite long.
"G-good morning Mr. William" The man at the entrance greeted him fearfully, with eyes avoiding Seth's green ones.
Seth scoffed in return. How expected.
A small crowd was gathered around the elevator, however that didn't really surprise Seth; it's always crowded every morning. Seth rolled his eyes impatiently, let out a loud sigh, and shoved his way through the crowd, which suddenly went quiet.
He stopped right before the elevator, ignoring the gossips behind him. Little did Seth know, there were certain people staring proudly at the intimidating man.
Once the elevator opened, Seth strode inside and stood in the middle, staring at buttons, then pressed the seventh's floor button. As the elevator was about to close, a muscled hand reached over and opened the elevator door, revealing a muscular, tall man.
Seth simply let out a groan, and looked boringly at the ceilings. His ear spotted footsteps entering the elevator, which immediately closed after…
He slowly set his eyes downward, seeing seven pair of feet around him. Once more, he looked upward and observed the new faces around him.
'They must be new,' Seth thought.
After a moment of peace, the elevator stopped right between the fourth floor and the fifth floor. It wasn't a first, the elevator needed fixing for three weeks, yet the workers seemed to forget each time. Seth cursed – an unlikely one at that – under his breath. Seth, however, got curious in seeing the newcomer's faces, so very slowly and secretly, he observed each face.
At Seth's right stood a tall - quite tall that Seth wasn't sure how he even fits the elevator – man. His eyes were hidden behind coal, black bangs. He was wearing black trousers, a tailcoat, and a tie around his neck.
On Seth's left was the bald, muscular man – his hazel eyes darting forward and his foot tapping impatiently. He looked like the type of person one would not mess with, which gave Seth a sense of challenge.
Behind him stood a woman with scarlet hair. A smirk was plastered on her rosy lips. Her blue eyes glistened with mischievousness, and she almost seemed like a hyper kid for she kept swaying back and forth.
Another looked as if he just woken up; his blonde hair wasn't combed, his vest was buttoned incorrectly, and his jacket was tossed loosely around his shoulders.
'How repulsive.' Seth thought as he took a step away from the messy man, which earned a chuckle from someone behind him.
Seth looked back to see an average height man with chocolate, brown hair, brown eyes, and white, porcelain skin. He seemed quite fancy – leather gloves engulfed his hands, three diamond rings curled around his fingers, and a necklace that was secretly hidden beneath his shirt.
Next to the brunette was a slightly crouched  guy with his hands behind his back. He had pale, almost colorless skin, black hair, and jade eyes that resembled Seth's. Seth also noted that he had a tattoo on his right hand, but he couldn't quite see what the tattoo looked like.
The last one was an obese, short man with slicked back blonde hair and brown eyes. It's a wonder how his clothes even fitted the obese guy. Seth was positive that the short man's vest was going to tear any moment.
'What a weird combination of people,' Seth believed, 'I wonder who they are'
Suddenly, a burst of girlish giggle erupted from behind him.
"He actually doesn't know who we are!" The woman snorted, getting Seth full attention
"Quiet, you." The tall man ordered with a guttural voice.
"Well, of course he doesn't." The brunette stated with a smirk.
'Are they…talking about me?' Seth wondered
Yet another girlish giggle accompanied by a thud emitted from behind Seth.
"Yes, we're talking about you!" The woman poked her pointed fingernails on Seth's cheeks, causing him to groan and slap her hand away "silly you."
"That's enough, L-" The muscular man retorted then cleared his throat quickly.
'That can't be. How can she read my mind?' Seth thought nervously, 'and she said 'we', does that mean the others could read my mind too?'
"Yes." Seven different voices confirmed.
Seth seemed perfectly blank, but inside he was screaming endless questions. So without further thinking, Seth asked "So who are you people? I've never seen any of you before."
"You've never seen us before, indeed" The crouched man stated,
The obese man continued "but you've used us quite a lot,"
"Every day in fact," The messy looking one continued.
"Which is rather surprising actually." The brunette said, while cracking his gloved knuckles.
"Most people use at least two or three of us," The woman claimed, "but you actually managed to use the seven of us"
'Use? What does that even mean?' Seth thought.
Unexpectedly, a throbbing pain pounded in Seth's stomach. He let out a gasp, as his legs gave in, causing him to fall on his back. His hands clutched onto his shirt, while his eyes stare disbelievingly at the ceiling of the elevator.
"W-what's happening to me?!" He shrieked, "what are you doing to me?!"
Seven figures surrounded him, looking down at him with pity. "Shame, really." The tall man said, shoving his hands in the pocket of tailcoat.
"That we'd have to give up on one of our best devotee," The obese man said, while scratching his head.
"Indeed." The crouching man commented, "Allows us to introduce ourselves, oh precious one" He pointed at himself, giving a slight bow "I am Envy."
The tall man brushed his coal hair, revealing violet eyes "Pride."
"Gluttony." The obese man.
"Lust." The woman.
"Greed." The brunette.
"Wrath." The muscular one.
"Sloth." The messy looking one.
'The Seven Sins? How is that even possible?' Seth breathed his final and stunned breath, whilst his chest halted from heaving and his eyes shutting.
"Aw, but I didn't get to answer his question." Greed whined with a knowing smirk.
"He'll eventually get his answer," Pride claimed, as a smile finally curled on his lips
"Somewhere else." Lust giggled, "we will meet him again."
The Seven Sins took a final glance at their pet, then glanced at one another.
Once the elevator opened, people gasped as they saw Seth's body on the ground, but saw none of the Seven Sins, as if they vanished into thin air. However, they were still there, in fact…
They are everywhere.

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