Monday, March 16, 2015

Epilogue (Omar ElFarouk, Visionaries)

The briefness of certain moments creates a surreal aura around them , as if they are portals to other timelines and realities on their own. The moment you turn the keys inside the lock and hear the click and realize that you are right now locked outside but you still have the key yet you can't remember when exactly did that happen? the seconds you spend suspended in the air after jumping then you are falling down, others could be more decisive, a bullet is fired out of its gun barrel....the smoke , the small fire, the bang, and then a thud maybe even a cry out of horror ........ haaaah horror, when the timer starts counting down from three to reach the final explosive zero that's when the hero is just in time either to become a legend or watch his biggest failure ever from the front row sit ohhh did I lose you? I was talking about a bomb, sometimes my mind just goes blank, yours does that too am sure I have seen it in their eyes, that moment is also surreal like all the different versions of you are for a few seconds all thinking the same thing, the nothing, you can actually get people to reach that's how you get obedient slaves, sorry I mean hypnosis subjects, do you think if you do it to someone else, you are doing it to them in all these different realities? I am not sure, but when am I sure of anything??????

The Dark

"There is an outpost out there" he said, high on his tower he stood , looking over those who lived under him , measuring them, judging them, taking into consideration what they are worth to him, "I know" the other replied with an obviously challenging tone , his own attempt to affirm his own authority since he lost the home advantage he can't afford to lose a chance to solidify his own dominance, its quiet dangerous when two egos collide yet isn't it even more dangerous when they work together? "The Dark don't interfere , as long as nobody calls upon them" he said trying to get on his nerves by dictating the obvious , a series of continuous attempts to prove his superiority, "I KNOW" the other shot back , noticing how he is losing the fight, he started shuffling through his mind for a comeback, if he was someone else he might would have found the pressure unpleasing but for him , he thrived and lived for the challenge, and there were a few ones these days, except.......... - correction they both enjoyed the challenging, annoying yet meaningful and necessary existence of one another- "You know it is not an outpost, not anymore at least, it's a fort now......."he late that linger for a second just a second then he went on "no one is saying you are outdated or that you have weak sources, I just want the best for my...... our operation" He grinned feeling that he served him right .He also grinned thinking everything is going according to plan. It is not until you wed the Dark that you are no longer afraid, or is fear a subjective concept nowadays?

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