Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Why Am I Scared of Writing? (Omar El-Farouk, Visionaries)

Why Am I scared of Writing?

This isn’t a professional article,this isn’t an academic piece either.Dear reader,
the fact that you are reading this right now is only because God was willing for you to do so and I decided to allow you to read it. Of course, someone right now wants to argue about what I just said, but trust me, dude/gal with an opinion, that is right now the correctest, rightest,and absolute bestest way to say what I just said is due to the fact that I was created to choose freely …. Too philosophical for this ….. I digress, anyway.

This won’t follow any rules, as you should have realized by now, and it won’t follow a pattern.It is simply me expressing my feelings and opinions in the way I see fit, so whatever objection you might have whether you voice it emphatically or keep it to yourself,I COULDN’T CARE LESS. Because this article is for me, not you and if it just so happens that I react to your praise or your criticism, you ought to celebrate, for as I wasn’t planning on reacting in the first place.

This isn’t going to be smart, sly and/or persuasive.There are no implied meanings, hidden messages, fine print, or reading between the lines, and just any attempt on your behalf to discuss, analyze, and generally overstate the significance or insignificance of this article will only further and speed up the process of you making a complete and utter FOOL of yourself!

This article is about us and our fear of writing.
You see, dear reader, writing is beautiful; it’s amazing and, truly in every way, magical, for if reading is visiting never-seen-before places and delving deeper into minds, then writing is the creation of all these worlds and minds. To put pen to paper, or, to be more accurate, finger to keyboard  is to create for everyone a portal to feel , live, and be part of something only you had and only you saw, but  writing is scary; it is hard and demanding; it is one of the worst/best talents to have. For you revise everyone’s words and your words (which is really annoying by the way), you're describing everything in your head thoroughly to paint the perfect picture with just enough room for imagination and not enough room for flops, empty spaces or stupid direct description that leaves nothing to the senses, and once more to the imagination. Even though you are actually sitting there, staring at that blue mug ,which sits on the brown wooden table with the single shorter leg on the right, and you can count the water drops that formed on its hot surface since the AC is on, and all through, this you are thinking about your bigger plot points, your smaller plot details that will create the biggest of plot twists , your character development, and the fact that your grammar and punctuation sucks.

It is agonizing and excruciatingly painful not to forget to mention that muses are only up at 5:14 AM when you can barely keep your eyelids open. So, writing is hard, and it requires tons of reading , and not everyone is capable of doing it.Yet, even though, it’s all that; it truly is so satisfying that you are willing to go through all this to have that feeling once more when you publish something and people read it and interact with it.

Like an addict , we are hooked to publishing our pieces; we endure the pain of criticism, and we boast inside of ourselves with a hidden smile with every word of praise we get; we read what we wrote again and again with a sense of achievement, some of us remain humble, others-- it gets to their heads, but put yourself in their shoes, they have created something….. "let that sink in" ….. they have made something out of scratch, whether it was inspired or completely stolen! Yet it's theirs, and it provoked both fans and critics ,which is more than enough because children don’t care if you were correcting them or you were singing their praise as long as they got your full attention, as long as they know you care.

-Omar El-Farouk

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