Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Have You Seen Him? (Noha ElNashar, Visionaries)

Have You Seen Him?

Have you seen him? ‘Cause I’ve been looking. They try to hold me back, but I’m still looking. They don’t understand why I keep looking. And who is to blame them? They are oblivious to what I have seen and what I have felt. They tell me I should stop looking, but how can I? How can I when looking is the only thing that brings me happiness and keeps me sane? They give me weird looks when I say I’m not giving up, but it’s not my fault they have given up on their happiness.
They think I am the echo of every failed search. They think I should follow the rules, and they don’t get that I am the exception. They think I’m too optimistic. Well, I say they are too realistic. Why can’t I keep looking? I know what is waiting for me, so why not keep looking? They say I will get hurt. But I have; a thousand times, I have. And look at me now. Am I not standing? Why listen to them when I know my joy is in looking? Even if it takes a million years, my happiness is in looking. Why not keep looking if I’m willing? I’m willing to look and wait and hurt and smile and cry and yell. I’m willing to live.
They say the story should end here, but I’m willing to let it take a life of its own. They say everyone has a story to be told, but mine isn’t the perfect one to be passed on. And maybe it is not, but imperfection is where my happy ending waits to be picked up. They say I shouldn’t be so much of a fighter, but if I don’t fight for my happiness, what else have I got left? And maybe, after all, they are just jealous, for my happiness is in looking, and theirs is lost, for they have nowhere to look.

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