Thursday, April 30, 2015

الزائر المُميت (Salma Gamal)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..
الزائر المُميت
كانت منهمكة في مذاكرة مادة الأحياء التي تعشقها،كل تركيزها علي الأسماء المعقدة التي يصعب حفظها ،و كأنها منشغلة هكذا لتششت نفسها عن أمر ما!
أمرٍ مزعج يكمن دائماً معها و يلازمها دائماً!و يا ليت تلك الأمر يتركها في حالها....
ظلت تذاكر هكذا حتي وجدت مياةٍ منهمرة علي إيديها.تركت قلمها و فجأة تبخرت الأسماء التي تعبت في في حفظها و كأن الكون يتلاشي من حولها، وثم استندت بظهرها إلي الوراء و باتت تسترجع ما سبب هذة المياة المنهمرة؟
يا الله لم الحياة هكذا؟ لم الحياة تظل مبتسمة ثم فجأة تكشر عن أنيابها المفترسة؟
انهمرت دموعها و بكثرة،و هي لا تعي كيف توقف تلك الفيضان!
كم تكره نفسها و هي في تلك الحالة!
توقفت عن البكاء و لم تعبأ بمسح دموعها و لكنها مضت تفكر!
لم دوماً تنتهي هكذا؟ لم البكاء؟لم الخوف!
نعم إنه الخوف! ذلك الوحش المخيف الذي يفترس ما تبقي من روحها المرحة كل يومٍ!
حياتها علي ما يرام! ليس يوجد ما يقلقها!
هي تفعل ما تحب و مِجدة في دروسها،تحب من حولها و كل شيءٍ حولها في هدوء و تناسب!
و لكن تعلمون تلك هي المشكلة!
فالعواصف المميتة يكون دوما قبلها الجو هاديء و مستقر!
هي خائفة من كل شيء! خائفة أن تصبح تلك الحياة الوردية بشعة لا روح بها! خائفة من سهام القدر المفاجأة التي تأتي في الصميم!
ماذا بعد؟ ستظل هكذا؟ الخوف يسرق عمرها يومٍ بعد يومٍ!
ليت أحد يفهمها! فكلما تُحدث أحدً عن شعورها أو مخاوفها تُتهم بالجنون و السطحية! فحياتها مثالية لم الخوف و القلق إذاً! لم هذا التفكير المتلوي؟!
كم مقتت الناس و كم أرادت أن تخبرهم أن هذا الشعور ليست هي من تختاره! إنه شعور يأتي وقتما يحب و يمكث مثلما يريد!
لقد ملت من كونها ضائعة هكذا بلا جدوي،و لكن ما الحل؟!
اعتدلت و قامت من علي مقعدها و قررت أن تتجه إلي شباك غرفتها و أن تنظر إلي الشوارع الخالية....و كأن لهذا الشباك مفعول سحري....
وقفت و الهواء البارد يصطدم بوجهها المُندي من الدموع،توقفت عن التفكير لبرهة و أشاحت بوجهها ناحية السيارات المتحركة.
ظلت تراقب السيارات في هدوء و ثم انتقل نظرها إلي المارة أمامها
تمعنت بهم شخصاً شخصاً.
ملابسهم،وجوههم،طريقة كلامهم،كيف يضحكون....مشطتهم تمشيطاً شاملا ً!
و فجأة صعق رأسها بعض الأسئلة التي لا إجابة لها!
"تُري هل يوجد من بين هؤلاء من هو مثلي؟"
"هل حياتهم علي ما يرام كما أري؟ أم هم يدفنون ما يؤلمهم بداخلهم!"
"هل إذا تحدثت مع أحداً منهم سوف يفهمني و يشعر بما يراودني؟"
شلالات من الأسئلة التي لا لون لها!
أسكتت أفكارها المتمردة و أغمضت أعينها و قررت أن تستمتع بالهواء الذي قليلا ً ما يمر من شباك غرفتها!
ظلت هكذا حتي شعرت أن روحها في مكانٍ و أن مخاوفها سجينة تشاهد روحها و هي طليقة!
تخيلت هذا الموقف و كأن خوفها مسجون،و هي حرة لا يوجد ما يقلقها!
و ثم أفاقت من تخيلها! و أطرقت تفكر....
لم لا تفعل هكذا في الحقيقة؟!
لماذا لم تسجن خوفها و تترك نفسها آمنة سعيدة؟!
لم هي دائماً أضعف!
هي لن تكون كذلك بعد الآن، إنه ليس بشيءً هين و لكن هي ملت من كونها ضعيفة و قلقة ولا بيدها حيلة!
أخذت نفساً عميقاً و كأنها تودع الهواء العليل،أغلقت شباك غرفتها ،و اتجهت إلي مقعدها لكي تُنهي ما لم تذاكره.
و كانت تعي بداخلها إنها سوف تكون مختلفة عن ما هي عليه! بطريقة أو بأخري!
و تمتمت لنفسها أن انتظار البلاء قبل حدوثه لن يجلب إلا مزيداً من البلاء،و إنه هي فقط من بيدها طرد تلك الزائر المميت الذي يسرق كل يوماً جزءٍ من فرحتها المفقودة.
نعم،يمكنها طرده و إلي الأبد...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Have You Seen Him? (Noha ElNashar, Visionaries)

Have You Seen Him?

Have you seen him? ‘Cause I’ve been looking. They try to hold me back, but I’m still looking. They don’t understand why I keep looking. And who is to blame them? They are oblivious to what I have seen and what I have felt. They tell me I should stop looking, but how can I? How can I when looking is the only thing that brings me happiness and keeps me sane? They give me weird looks when I say I’m not giving up, but it’s not my fault they have given up on their happiness.
They think I am the echo of every failed search. They think I should follow the rules, and they don’t get that I am the exception. They think I’m too optimistic. Well, I say they are too realistic. Why can’t I keep looking? I know what is waiting for me, so why not keep looking? They say I will get hurt. But I have; a thousand times, I have. And look at me now. Am I not standing? Why listen to them when I know my joy is in looking? Even if it takes a million years, my happiness is in looking. Why not keep looking if I’m willing? I’m willing to look and wait and hurt and smile and cry and yell. I’m willing to live.
They say the story should end here, but I’m willing to let it take a life of its own. They say everyone has a story to be told, but mine isn’t the perfect one to be passed on. And maybe it is not, but imperfection is where my happy ending waits to be picked up. They say I shouldn’t be so much of a fighter, but if I don’t fight for my happiness, what else have I got left? And maybe, after all, they are just jealous, for my happiness is in looking, and theirs is lost, for they have nowhere to look.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

آروي الغضبان

الله موجود، داخلي.
أراه في كل مكان أقصده، في البيت، في العمل، في الملهى، في المسجد والكنيسة والكنيس، أراه في كل مكان وأحب أن أراه .
ليس عندي لأحد دليل،لكن عندي أنا دليل يسكن داخل روحي وفي طيات قلبي،وأنا أقسم بحياة الذي لا يموت لو أن اجتمعت كل قوى العالم لتحاول انتزاعه من داخل نفسي لن تقدر ولن تستطيع.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Avivorous (Noha ElNashar, Visionaries)

“Laura, they have arrived!” A shout erupted in the control room, making everyone jump at its intensity. They all stared at him, making a blush creep its way to his face. “Sorry, guys. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He said sheepishly, awkwardly scratching his neck.
To relieve him of his embarrassment, a woman, Laura on the other side of the room got up and made her way to him, shaking her head in the process and trying to suppress her laughs. “Okay, Andrew, calm down; I’m here. Show me what you’re talking about.”
Andrew zoomed in to the heap of bodies lying down on the grass as Laura bended over to see what was on the screen. There were four figures lying beside each other in such uncomfortable positions that she knew they would suffer cramps for days following their wake. They looked so much alike. Laura had no doubt they were siblings. Before she could ask Andrew about them, the screen changed, showing a girl with jet black hair lying down, her hair covering half of her face. The strand of hair covering her nose and its movement into and out of her nose was the only indication that she’s alive. She caught a movement in the somewhere beyond the girl; when she focused on the sky beyond, she could see a helicopter flying away.
“This is one of ours,” Andrew said, pointing at the helicopter. “It’s the one that got them there.”
Laura took a seat beside him and scratched her chin like she always did when she was immersed in her own thoughts. She tried to think of where “there” is, but she came up blank. All she could see were asphalt roads and a stretch of green land far in the distance. A park maybe. She looked up at Andrew and asked, “Why are they in different places? I mean why is she dumped on the road and the others, as I recall, in the woods? Why not just put them all together?”
“That, Laura, is something only I can answer,” A loud voice entered the room, slamming the door behind him. When he walked in, everybody stopped talking. They were, in a way or another, like deer caught in a headlight.
Laura stood up and smoothed down her shirt and walked up to the muscular man who walked in, taking in his askew lips, the glasses that rest on his hooked nose, the way his hands never stopped scrabbling notes in his leather notebook. When she was right next to him, he took his eyes off the notebook and stopped writing. He smiled at her and leaned to kiss her cheek. Before she could speak or ask him anything, he said, “I am doing something, Laura. Something huge! It is both rewarding and worth taking all the risks.”
He led her to a seat and stood in the middle of the room, watching as each person turned their seats away from the screens and centered their attention on him.
“What I am doing is an experiment. A test. I like to call it Avivorous for personal preferences. But I can promise you all that if we work together, we will reap the rewards.” He announced in his bossy demeanor that he adopted whenever he wanted the crew to do something for him.
Laura raised a hand and said, “Could you tell us what exactly is that experiment about, Marcus? And what is it that you expect of us?”
Marcus clapped his hands enthusiastically and said, “It’s really simple! All you have to do is watch those people make their way through the abandoned city I have dumped them in--” Laura could feel coldness creeping its way through her body. Something about how Marcus was so excited to perform an experiment on humans felt extremely repugnant. “But,” Marcus went on. “Our role is not just watching them. Andrew, you’re responsible for telling them about the experiment and what they’re supposed to do to yield the best results.”
Andrew was about to interrupt when Marcus put a finger up in the air signaling for him to be quiet till he’s finished. “Laura,” His eyes met hers and softened. He smiled as he said, “You monitor their behaviors and actions and report them to me. And I, with help from Candice, will study them and come up with what I need.”
“And what might that be?” Andrew asked with a hint of sarcasm that Marcus noticed but chose to let go.
Just then, a red-headed girl with a messy bun and a lab coat came in, holding pamphlets and another stack of papers that had the word “Avivorous” written in bold ink on them.
“This,” Marcus motioned at the papers as Candice, the redheaded girl, started to distribute them. “Contains everything you need to know about the experiment. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some other things to tend to.”
And with that he left.
Andrew looked up from the stacks of paper he was holding and his eyes rested on Laura. “Before you read those papers, why do you think he’s doing this?”
Laura stayed silent for a second then shook her head and said, “Well, he’s your brother. You ought to know him best.”
Andrew raised an eyebrow at her and said disbelievingly, “Oh yeah? Well, you’re his fiancée. What about that for knowing him best?”
“Well, I guess Marcus isn’t open with anyone.” She said with finality in her voice that made Andrew drop the subject and start reading what was written on those papers. And, as they both read, they started to know why Marcus never told them about that experiment. Because if he did, they would have killed him first before allowing him to carry on such a transgression.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Paper Airplanes (Nora Keshk, Visionaries)

Paper Airplanes
Her thoughts were like paper airplanes. They were literally airplanes.
She launched a hundred airplanes outside her bedroom window upstairs. Each plane easily found its way home somewhere. They all were dedicated to her late best friend, Ethan; they all got lost somewhere in the small town.
Each clean sheet was surfaced with ink that bled through. Nonetheless, she took time to fold and crease each section of the paper to make it into a flying airplane. Each letter was filled with the love she never got to express to him. But the hundredth letter, launched in the windiest day known to the quiet town, traveled a far distance until it reached a green tree on a stranger's porch and then fell to the green patches of grass on which he would walk by to get the early newspaper, where he later found it. His wondering mind helped him unfold the neatly creased paper airplane, where it soon revealed one of her paper thoughts…
Dear Ethan,
It's been a year since you passed away – at exactly five o'clock in the morning. I was there with you, telling you everything was going to be fine. Then I heard that heart retching sound of terror; the sound of the loud, clear, and deafening flat beep coming from the cardiac monitor. 
I also forgot to mention, your mom was there too. She was asleep on the couch by the window overlooking the town. When she heard the sound, the fright on her face was beyond the one on mine.
We all miss you so much.
While you were asleep earlier in the day, I started rambling things about us, hoping you could hear me, so that the next morning I'd find out if you felt the same way.
But I never knew.
I never knew if you felt the same way I did. I never knew if you felt butterflies in your stomach the way I did when I'd hear you laugh.
And that's why I'm writing to you.
The last words you told me were, "I'm feeling tired." And now I can't help but think I'm feeling the same now that you're gone. Tired.
This is my hundredth letter to you and also my last.
All I wanted to say were the words I didn't get to say to you, and they're the most said words in the universe – I love you.
Your Best Friend, Lana
And soon enough the stranger who found the letter will be doing the same as Lana did. He'll talk to his late wife; this time sending her his paper thoughts.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Through Grey Eyes (Bothaina Ayman, Visionaries)

Through Grey Eyes

His vision was laced with dull colors of grey, black, and white. The lack of joyful colors caused his steel eyes to bore on the whiteboard. His hands were folded together, while twiddling his thumbs.
Who is he, you ask?
Nathaniel is an average teenage boy, with average grades, average life, and an average family; however, his vision differed from his normal, boring life – you see, Nathaniel is color blinded, which is inherited from his deceased grandfather. Sadly, his parents cannot afford enough money for treatment. 
Nathaniel was seated in the last seat, left corner by the window – he wouldn't want to drag too much attention, would he now? However, his mismatched clothes did in fact brought too many unwanted eyes. His wardrobe consisted of a purple baggy shirt, green pants, blue converse with red and blue shoelace, along with a blue back bag, which was almost empty. 
He gazed out the window, looking at the plain grey sky. In reality, he knew what the sky looks like; his mother explained every single detail about it – a wide, blue blanket, stained with feathery like cottons – alias the clouds. At night, Nathaniel would imagine the night sky a lady with a long inky dress, adorned with diamond rings and earrings. 
Looking down at the grass – also grey, somewhat darker than that of the sky. Grass, meaning green, like his pants, his father's eye color, the wallpaper of his bedroom. 
As a child, Nathaniel was considered to be an outsider, also "The weird one". In kindergarten, his English teacher asked him "what color is my shirt?", and with all confidence, Nathaniel answered "Black!" 
That's not right. The teacher raised a very perplexed eyebrow, then looked down at his brown shirt. He decided to ask another question regarding colors "another question, Nate," the boy nodded "what color is the sky?"
Nathaniel curled his lips in a beaming smile "Grey!" 
The class broke into laughter, leaving the boy with a big question mark above his head. Nathaniel heard the teacher mutter something about 'parents', 'call', and 'colors'. 
So, there he was, sitting in his own plain, dull world, colored in grey, black, and white. Boredom engulfed his life, depression grasped his mind, and loneliness broke his ties with the outer world. It didn't occur to him that something so simple as colors could differ in his simple life, but the fact that it did bothered him terribly.

Section Choices (Noah and Zahraa, Divergent)

I can't believe section assigned me with her.
She has no field experience whatsoever. Her subtlty is below zero. She actually went of asked the bartender for the information we wanted; she won't hold a gun, and she always has this annoying innocent smile on her face. When I ask her why she joined section, she tells me "to help the country of course to get rid of of evil spirits out there." So basically I'm stuck in India with a rookie, wack job.

I can't believe section assigned me with him.
He's so megalomaniac. He thinks he's freaking 007 for God's sake. He was so mad when I told him to ride the elephant. How can we skip that spectacular chance, I mean we won't be in India everday!
He keeps talking about killing and shooting people. I can't stand hearing gun shots and seeing blood. We have to spread love and peace. He freaked out when I asked the bartender for information, I mean the guy was nice enough to take my name and phone number in case he found anything out. Why wouldn't he understands that people are nice?

للحلم بقية (ريم, Divergent)

أدركت وجودي يوماً ما بين الأحلام المنسية
و جلست لأبحث عن ماضي بين دفاتري الَملقية 
فوجدت رسائل و حروفاً مبدوئة من دون بقية 
أحرفها قد مُزجت عَمداً بنِقاط القهوة التركية
و ظللت أحاول مرات فك الشفرات العبثية 
أختلقَ حروفاً و بدائَل عن أحرِف كانت ممحيه
تتزاحم حولي الأوراق و المُكتتبات الشعرية
و أرى مجموعة أشياء تحمل ذكرايا الرمزية
ألمح بجواري أوراق صفراء اللونِ و مطويه
ففتحت الأوراق و عقلي يتذكر مدَد زمنية
حينها قد كانت أقلامي تكتب بطريقة حرفية.
أتذكر كنت وحيدة هناك أبحث عن وطن و هوية
و أحاطت بي الأزهار، صفراء اللون ووردية،
و عصافير متمردة لا تعلم إلا الحرية.
أذني تلتقط صوتَ ما يشبه موسيقى الصوفيه
مع مزج صهيل لحصان، يعلم ما معنى التضحية
و سماء كانت غاضبة فإنساب المطر بعفوية
و الأرض و قد رويت فرحاً فتفوح روائح عطرية
فتوقفت بفكري لوهلة، عاودت قرائتي جهرية
فى أخر صفحة قد كُتب "مازال للحلم بقية"

The True Standards of Beauty (Zahraa, Divergent)

The True Stanards of Beauty
You wake up in the early morning, you feel very light and exuberant. You walk towards the mirror, yet something abrupt happens, extraordinary I'd describe. You don't see your face or any other organ of yours. You see nothing but purity, faith, kindness, felicity and passion.
You see the poems you wrote, the paintings and drawings you drew and the songs you sang. You come across the books you read, the music you listened to, the movies you watched and everything that satisfied your soul.
You watch your valiant experiences, your recklessness and the adrenaline rushes you went through. "This is uncanny" you would say. Enticement takes over. You become extremely impressed, but anxious. You see beauty, but not with the standards you've always known, with entirely different standards. That beauty has a way of perplexing you one minute, and allaying you the next. Because, what you saw in the mirror was your soul and everything it carried from the most astonishing to the direst.
You walk down the streets, you don't see bodies. You see souls. You are astonished by some, but you recoil from the others. You don't see any facial traits; you don't know whether the person in front of you is white or dark-skinned. You don't know how this person is dressed. All you see is kindness or hostility, modesty or arrogance, and every shade between them.
You see art in every possible form. You hear music everywhere, different genres, ones you've never heard, ones you absolutely admire and others that you dislike. You read poems everywhere, and everything becomes metaphorical. The world is now overly dosed with emotions, all kinds, one that put you in a state of jubilation and another that put you in frustration.
You head towards your school, to find out that everything has been altered. Everyone is a soul, without a body. You don't see baseball jackets, boots, low-kneed skirts, sleeveless T-shirts, tight jeans, dresses or even teacher's suits. You see love along with hatred. You see what everyone has always held inside. You see the truth of everyone and you stand in dismay, because you now realize that everything has exceeded your expectations.
Emily, the girl who used to be the most popular, is now getting wisps of attention or no attention at all. Hatred, evilness, envy, violence and inhumanity are now revealed, showing the truth of that girl. They flabbergast you, bewilderment and disappointment start to fog your brain. Then, you ascertain that Emily was loved for how she looked and dressed, she was so pretty yet from the outside only; white-skinned, fit body, long blond hair, hazel eyes. She has been coming with the most elegant dresses ever. She mocked a bunch of people in the school, Charlie the introvert with the bulky glasses. Anna the studious and a-bit-of-a-wallflower girl. Mia, the nerd. Mr. peter, because he always wore old-fashioned clothes. You had always seen students gather around her table at lunchtime every day, listening to her nonsense.
Then, you see Ayana, the African dark-skinned, fat introvert with messy hair. She is no longer dark-skinned or fat; she is now a collection of love, faith, kindness, compassion, art, music, poetry and inner beauty. After being disappeared into oblivion, she is now the most beautiful and admired girl in the school.
You now hear screeches from the street, shaking you out of your revere. The reverie of observing souls, of knowing the real standards of beauty and of digging deeper in everything and everybody. You now realize that you were outsmarted by appearances. Unfortunately, everyone is.
"If only our eyes saw soul instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be"

ملخبط (نوح, Divergent)

الإنسان هو الكائن العظيم اللى أعظم حاجة عملها إنه جاب علم الفلسفة والمنطق لعالم كان يعيش في الفوضى,وبذلك طوع العالم كله لرغباته عن طريق تعليم الكون النظام والمنطق والمحشى. 

!كل الكلام اللى فوق دا هرى. 

الحقيقة إن الإنسان مش هو اللى اخترع المنطق ولا الفلسفة (يمكن المحشى). الكون كله طول عمره ماشى بنظام أدق من الساعة، و لا يمكن فى يوم من الأيام يحيد عنه. حركة الكواكب، النظام البيئى (أيوة اللى احنا بوظناه هو دا) عادات كل حيوان ونبات وكل جزء من الكوكب، الألوان، الأصوات ...
كل حاجة ماشية تمام.

طب ليه الإنسان بس هو اللى يعرف علم المنطق؟ ليه هو بس اللى واخد باله من النظام والكون والحاجات دى، ليه هو شايف منطق؟ 

دا ﻷن كل حاجة ماشية فى الكون بالمنطق، إلا الإنسان. 
تخيل الموضوع كأنه شخص راكب عربية، ومش شايف أى حاجة برا العربية دى، والعربية دى بتتحرك على أرض مفهاش مطب. 

محدش هيعرف أن العربية دى بتتحرك إلا اللى واقفين براها وبيتفرجوا عاليها.

ومفيش كائن فى الكون هياخد باله من المنطق الكونى إلا الكائن الوحيد اللى مش ماشى بيه.الإنسان. 

طب إزاي ياعم؟ إزاي تقول الإنسان مش منطقى؟

تهييس ثانوية يا كابتشن تقول ايه!

لا بجد هضربلك مثال.

إحنا على البسيطة بقالنا 7000 سنة (منذ نشأة الحضارة الفرعونية، أول حضارة وكدا) ولسى لحد دلوقتى مفهمناش إن الحرب غلط وبتقتل ناس وكل الحاجات الوحشة دى. بالمنطق كدا، فى معادلة تقعد 7000 سنة ما تتحلش؟!

دا الحيوانات يا عم، الحيوانات اتفقت على نظام تتخانق بيه وتاكل بيه بعضها وعايشين مع بعض عادى! فكرك إحنا ممكن نوصل للدرجة دى من التطور؟

إحنا اعتنقنا المنطق من فترة طويلة جداً لدرجة إن إحنا فهمنا كل حاجة في الدنيا ماشية إزاي و عرفنا نطوعها حسب رغبتنا و نبقى أكتر نوع من الكائنات مزدهر على وجه الارض. فهمنا فعلا ً كل حاجة إحنا اتعاملنا معاها،بل و في حاجات مشوفنهاش و فهمناها برضه (فيزياء نظرية و كدهو) لكن ما يزال فيه حاجة واحدة إحنا مقدرناش نفهمها. الحاجة الوحيدة في الكون ده اللي مش ماشية بالمنطق (لو بصيت فوق هتلاقيها في أول الصفحة).

هتقولي لا إحنا فاهمين الإنسان و عندنا علم نفس و بتنجان؛ 
استعنا ع الشقى بالله. 

أولا ً مش علم النفس بس هو اللي اختص بدراسة الإنسان،فيه فلسفة و أحياء و حاجات كتير جداً حاول العلم بيها إنه يفسر أو يتوقع تصرفات هذا الكائن الغريب. هرمونات و مؤثرات حياتية...إالخ إلخ. 

ثانيا كل العلوم دي دقتها في قياس الإنسان و تصرفاته زي دقة الكف في قياس الطول. لا يعتمد عليها. أنا بقول كده كواحد خُضت في علوم قياس الإنسان دي فترة من حياتي، كلها قواعد تقريبية عامة و شواذها تفوق عدداً الملتزمين بها، هدفها قياس كائن مثالي مكتوب في الكتب و غير موجود في الحقيقة. ده غير إن فيه حاجات إحنا طبعا مش لاقينلها تفسير.

زي البوسة!

آيوه متعمليش فيها مكسوف، البوسة! كل العلوم البشرية من أول علم النفس السلوكي لحد الاحياء الجزيئية مش قادرة تفسر أو حتى تقترب من تفسير ليه البني آدم بيستمتع بالبوسة!

قيس على كده كتير بقى. و سبب الحيرة دي أن البني آدم مش جزء من العالم المنطقي عشان تحللوه بالمنطق! لكم شرف المحاولة برضه. 

ندي للبني آدم حقه برضه. هو الحاجة اللي كسرت روتين الكرة الارضية برضه.

أحسن حاجة البني آدم عملها، أو أكتر حاجة المفروض يعتز بيها؛ إنه متبعش المنطق و حول العالم لرغبته هو. خرج بره نطاق المنطق و مع ذلك استعمله و فهم الدنيا ماشية إزاي. أعظم هدية من الإنسان للكون مكانتش النظام. لكن إنه طوره و كسر النظام.

أعظم هدية من الإنسان للكون كانت الفوضى.

Packing (Yara, Divergent)

    She collected her stuff. She didn't have much: a broken old brush, a little worn notebook, and a book her best friend gave her but she never read. She checked how much money is left, only few coins. She hopes they will be enough to buy a new book; she knows she won't read the one she has as usual. She took a deep breath and put her palm on her heart shaped necklace. A look at her dream catcher, and now she can sleep. They shall be enough to protect her from her dreams.

اقف وسط نفسك (مريم السحراوى, Divergent)

أُقّف في وسط نفسك
وقول بصوت عاليّ إنك قادر،
قادر تتكلم بس ساكت،
قادر تشوف بس بِتِعمىَ،
قادر تحب بس بِتّداريّ،
قادر تقول بس بتّخبيّ
قادر تفكّر بس بِتخاف،
قادر تستحمل بس بِتضّعف،
قادر و قادر و قادر،
بس بِتعجّز نفسك!

أنت أحسن من ناس كتير، و أقلّ من ناس كتير،بس تقدر تبقي أحسن من دُول و دُول ، الفرق اللي بين الدنيا و الجنة،إن ربنا في الدنيا جعلك تشوف اللي أسوءأمنك عشان تِحمدُه و تعافر عشان تبقي أحسن منهم في الأعمال ، أما في الجنة فعمرك ما هتشوف إلا اللي أسوأ منك بس عشان ترضى و ماتتعبش و ماتبذلش مجهود إنك توصلّه عشان كل واحد ساعتها بيكون إتقسمله نصيب و عنوانه بقى النعيم ..
صدّق نفسك لمرّة واحدة في حياتك عشان الدنيا كلها تصدقك!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Depression (Bothaina Ayman, Visionaries)


It is very hard to explain, how remorse knocked on my door
But do I ever mourn?
People don't understand,
How sad I am,
Yet do my smile hide all the wounds?
Nobody knows the truth.
Focus on my eyes and you will see,
How depressed my eyes can be.
Can you tell what my lips are saying?
Not if I am silent like a loner while it's raining.
My voice is empty with an echo of a banshee,
Crying all night long under a rotten tree.
I'm trapped in a box with no walls,
Flying like a bird that will eventually fall.
Balancing between freedom and chains,
While someone is taking my brain.
Achieving my goals,
How impossible can it be?
But how come I'm dead,
And still live my dream?
Please help me…

My Odd Wish (Salma Gamal)

My Odd Wish

The loud voices of her friends were cleaving her mind. She took a quick look at her watch. It is 07:30 PM, which means that it isn't time to go home, but she is just bored from her sick-minded friends. She always belittled their talks. Boys! How to empress boys? How to fall in love with boys?! How to get boy's attention?! When should I get married? How my life will be when I'm married?! And just more crap!

She apologized to her friends and told them an excuse, which they knew was a made one. She grabbed her bag quickly and went down to the street, as if she was relieved from prison.
As she walked back to her home, she remembered her friend's talk; their obsession with love, marriage, and looks. She frowned as their words were repeating in her mind. In a sudden, she felt uneasy and thought of going home from her secret route. The simply magnificent route by the canal. She hurried to her secret place, as if it is what will rescue her from her thoughts. Finally she was there; the fresh air tackled her face and made her mind finally peaceful. She kept walking as she was staring to the serene blue water and the still boats.

Thoughts started to invade her mind again, what in the world causes people to love attachment? Why should she have a soul mate? Why are the lives of all people centered on marriage and love?!
She hated how most people call her complicated because of her ideas, but actually they are the ones destroying their dreams with their own hands...

She imagined herself falling in love, getting engaged then married, having children. Abruptly, she stopped the scenario going in her mind and made a pledge to herself that she will never restrict her soul and dreams by sharing them with someone under the name of love.

She never knew or felt why love is essential; instead, she felt that love is insecure. If the universe is constantly changing so as everything around us, then how love would be eternal?

Nothing lives forever. The dreamy love birds will turn into some drained souls with a void life and nothing to stand for.

Girls are relying on wall of impossible wishes and boys are just deceitful.

Yes, she might be complex as all people claim! But it is simply because she believes in her independence and solitude...

She had seen mothers losing their jobs and living a typically dull repeated life for the sake of their children. She had seen many suffering girls who were deceived by the so-called their "Dream Boys". She had seen silly boys trying to date two girls at the same time, thinking it is something outstanding; she had witnessed fathers turning into monsters because they relied too much on love, which eventually ruined all glimpses of happiness in their lives. She has seen lost single mothers who got the greatest pranks that turned their passing days to a grand misery!

Yeah she knows love has a very bright beautiful side, but it is ephemeral. It never lasted and it will never do.

She is a girl, with strongly thriving feelings. A little portion of her wants to fall in love and the other big one always leads her to belittle it.

Her mind was just growing massive out of her constant thinking. She stopped walking, stopped thinking and stood still in front of the stunning nature in front of her eyes. She was relieved for a second, and then she started looking around her. She noticed an old woman eating ice cream and her husband was by her side. The woman was smiling widely as she gave her husband a lick of her ice cream while his eyes revealed how happy he is to be with her.

She kept examining them, smiled and then thought that there is always something magical about marriage and love she would never encounter....

She may be harsh, complex, offensive, but most importantly she is desperate and always fearful that her affectionate heart might be broken one day, her promising dreams might not be accomplished, and her dynamic soul might fade away and get replaced with a dull, spoiled one. All this will simply happen if she allows herself to fall in the illusion of love...

She turned around and hurried back to her home before her heinous thoughts return again and cage her with her only odd wish....

Through My Eyes (Nora Keshk, Visionaries)

Through My Eyes

Dear Journal,
I hate writing…I think – but that doesn't mean I won't tackle this challenge. My therapist gave me not-so simple instructions today. He handed me this journal, looked me straight in the eyes, with a sense of pride of the idea he had came up with, gave me a pat on the back, and ushered me out of his office saying "At the end of every day, right before you go to sleep, write about your day. It can be your thoughts, experiences, hopes, aspirations, jokes, opinion of your own self, or things you want to tell me. Next time I see you, you'll hand me this journal, and we'll read sections of it together discussing your emotions that exact time. Some people your age find it difficult to 'relive emotions.' Good luck."
So I suppose I should be writing directly to you, Dr. Elliot, but the only way I'll be able to express all my emotions is if I let my writing do all the talking not like I'm writing to you. I have to admit that it's kind of hard to not got through this and edit it a bit – I think myself as a bit of a perfectionist.
So Dr. Elliot, I'm leaving what you told me earlier today as the explanation of this journal. And anyone who finds this, which is over my dead body, won't be confused by my depressingly sarcastic handwriting. I know I'm not supposed to write to you anymore. Goodbye Dr. Elliot. Hello Journal.
I've tried writing in journals before, but it never worked out the way I wanted it to. I have big hopes for this one; I'm going to fill it. Will Dr. Elliot give me another one then? I hope so. I think he knows everything about me, but I haven't told you anything about me yet.
I've been going to therapy for over a year now, yet I'm still scared to reveal things about myself to other people. There are things that I'm not comfortable to say out loud or even write down. Maybe I'll get the courage one day to write more about myself and talk more. However, let me start by my outer appearance.
I'm short. I have blonde (more light brown) hair that goes down to about my hips. I have a nose that points up a little bit too much. I dance currently. Some think I'm skinny, but I see myself as "fit". I normally wear jeans and sweatshirts; I'm not one of those perfectly dressed, well-behaved, idealistic girls. If you saw me in the hallway, you would laugh in my face, make a short joke, or just pretend you didn't see me. It's safe to say that I have acquaintances, but my best friend is nowhere to be found.

Oh, and I almost forgot, my name Abigail. No last name, I like things to be on a first basis. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Shores of Beginnings (Noha ElNashar, Visionaries)

Shores of Beginnings

After a long day of unpacking and paperwork, Frank let the nurse guide him to his bed. He tried to imagine himself having a good time in this place, but it just didn’t seem possible. After all it was a nursing home. His children grew too busy to look after him, and he, not wanting them to feel hindered by his presence, offered that they would take him to a nursing home. Resistance, he expected; acquiesce, he got. When they dropped him off, he knew it would be the last time he saw them, so he made it his goal to make as much friends as he possibly could to keep him company for however long it is that is left for him. But, until now, he hasn’t laid eyes on a potential friend.

Then he saw him. He was sitting on his bed, crouched near his pillow and staring at the ceiling, as if imagining the sun and the moon and the constellations he doesn’t get to see anymore. For a fraction of a second, he pictured himself that way, but then he regained his tenacity. He was not going to give in to loneliness—or let him, whoever he is, be swallowed by it, either. He stopped for a second, and the nurse supporting his weight looked up with concern.

“Are you okay, Frank? Do you need something?” The nurse asked with a lilt in her voice that almost made him sway to the rhythm.

He shook his head and pointed to the vacant bed to his right, “Can I take this bed? I like it here. I think I will make some friends here,” he mumbled the last part, eyeing the man who is too deep in thinking about the sky to notice his new company.

“Uhh, well, sure. Let me make it comfortable for you then I can go change your data down at the office.”

Frank stood still while she did her best to make the bed comfy. All the while he watched the old man who was now looking at the nurse, following her every movement with his eyes. He looked curious and detached at the same time. Like he used to be curious and energetic and spontaneous, but life wore him down and only small parts of what he was still clung to his new self. When the nurse was done, she beckoned to Frank and made sure he was okay with his new bed. Then she left, leaving him with the other man.

Frank was silent for a while, trying to find a snarky comment or anything to say to catch his attention, but he failed. So, he decided to start the old-fashioned way.

“Hello, I’m Frank.” He said with a smile drawn on his lips. He expected the other to just stay immersed in his reverie and was surprised when he actually turned his head and nodded, “Charles.”

“Charles,” Frank repeated. “I’ve always loved that name. In fact, I wanted to name my first-born child ‘Charles’, but my wife was a little stubborn.” He smiled a little to himself, thinking about Edith. He knew he missed her deeply. He would always share his wishes with her, and she would do whatever she could to make them come true. He wished he had started repaying her before it was too late.

“Stubborn, eh?”  Charles inquired. “What did you name him then?”

Frank could see the hints of a smile forming on Charles’s lips, and that made his heart soar. He was making progress. “We named him Brandon. Then Eleanor came along. And then Vanessa.” He paused for a second then said, “They are really good kids.”

Charles eyed him doubtfully, “Why are you here then, if they’re, as you claim, good kids?’

“I will ignore your rude comments.” Frank chuckled. “And I will answer your question. I am here because I grew too old for them to be able to consistently take care of me. They have their own lives after all. And sometimes, you just have to be considerate.”

Charles nodded and kept nodding, and Frank was relieved that Charles couldn’t tell he was lying. It would be too painful for him to explain how disappointed he was in his children. But after all he loved them deeply; he just wished they loved him as much as he did.

“Why are you here? Where are your children?” Frank prompted, trying to shift the focus of the conversation.

“Haven’t gotten any.” Charles said monotonously, and Frank knew he hit a spot he shouldn’t have. So, trying to make the situation better, he said, “What about a wife? Have you gotten any?”

At that, Charles stopped twirling the loose string protruding from the pillow and stared at Frank with an expression that was quite unreadable. He smiled, but his smile was one that carried years of pain and suffering and regret and bleakness that Frank couldn’t fathom. Instead of urging him to speak, he decided to let Charles talk whenever he felt ready.

“She was the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Charles said with a wide grin and a glimmer in his eyes. “I loved her with every piece of my body; I was willing to do anything to spend just a little more time with her.” His smile started to fade, and tears began welling in his eyes. “Even now, I look up at the ceiling and picture her face plastered on it. That way I can stare at her and have silent conversations with her that only we can understand.”

Sensing Charles’s imminent emotional breakdown, Frank started, “She really sounds like a good person. I’m sure she took good care of you. Would you mind telling me her name?”

“Janet,” Charles whispered.

Frank smiled at how innocent Charles looked when he said her name. “What is your best memory of her?”

“1975.” He announced. “She was a Broadway addict; so when the Rocky Horror Show came out, I took her to New York, got us both tickets to the show, and I spent the entire evening watching how happy she was. She literally never stopped smiling the whole time.” Charles laughed. “The main character’s name was Janet. Oh, how she loved that scene where they sang ‘Dammit, Janet’! She used to say it reminded her of us.” He shook his head while trying to hide his smile. “She said I would make a perfect Brad because I was so clumsy. And even though the show wasn’t that good, she made it all worthwhile. As for her, she was at Broadway; she didn’t even care what she was watching.”

Frank watched Charles reminisce and noticed how young he looked talking about her. He knew Janet was his muse, and it isn’t easy losing your muse. You had to dig deep inside you, trying to conjure a new one. And he knew not everyone is that fortunate.

“What happened to her then?” Frank inquired cautiously.

“She died shortly after,” Charles paused. “Lung cancer.”

Frank just nodded, knowing that nothing he said would mend Charles’s wounds.

“I then retreated to my little shell, trying to sort out my life. I decided she was the one for me and I decided to honor her by never marrying again. Every year, in her memorial, I fly to New York and buy tickets to any Broadway show and pretend she is there with me. I honestly think I have seen every Broadway show out there. I continued to do so since she died in 1980. Except this year though. This year, I came here.”

“You cam here? Willingly?”

“Yes.” Charles admitted. “What else do I have left? The memory of her beautiful spirit is starting to fade, I have no children, I’m too old to work or experience new adventures. I’m just too tired. I don’t want to be staying at home when the realization dawns over me that I can’t even remember the tiniest details about her.”

“And how is it any different here? You will still grow old.”

“At least, I will do it with a friend. I have no friends, Frank. You have no idea how hard it is to spend 40 years of your life invested in one thought and then watch it slip away while you stand, empty-handed and unable to stop it from happening.” Charles insisted. “I came here looking for a friend, and I still am.”

Frank looked at him deeply, thinking about the meanings behind his words. He will get his chance here. He will have a friend here. He believed that friendships can be made at any point in life; he just thought he would have to convince the other person of letting go and opening up. But, Charles, contrary to what he thought, was looking for the same thing. Maybe, they both could be each other’s chance at salvation.

“Would you be my friend, Frank?” Charles questioned with a grin plastered on his mouth.

“It would be an honor,” Frank affirmed, returning Charles’s now-happy grin with one of his own.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mornings (Yara, Divergent)

Good morning,
I hate mornings.
For twelve years,
I've been hating them.

But they held so many details I'll miss,
Your sleepy eyes,
Her messy hair,
Your noise, messing with each other.

They held so many people;
I won't be able to recall them all.
But they all questioned me.
I hate questions.

Unless it's from you.
But you never asked.

She once said you're my first priority, 
And you've always said I don't wanna leave without you.
And I should have said I never regret you.

Excuse my lack of care,
And going outs.
Excuse my anger,
And loud voice.

I hate mornings,
But I wish I'll be
With you in the morning.
- Bad poem I saved for the last year.