Friday, May 15, 2015

The Cell (Omar ElFarouk, Visionaries)

The Cell

The following events take place inside a prison cell
Day in and day out, I am waiting for them to finish it all , for a bullet of mercy. For someone, FOR ANYONE to pull the plug on me; you see them, liberals, claim that capital punishment is a very cruel “crime” , crime they say!! They establish their fancy arguments about the powers that be, being as cruel and criminal as the cons themselves, well here I am sitting inside this frigging cell that I think I am more institutionalized then the bunk bed I sleep on every night when I can sleep. A bullet, a syringe, a noose, an electric shock, any of those would be a much needed mercy; a helping hand, a bridge that I am more than willing to cross over.
They ripped me of my humanity; oh was that too blunt for ya!! Did you need an Orwellian speech with descriptive details that make Brown and King seem like high school students, I guess you are one of them then?? Those ALIVE people...I am condemned to breathe here for the remainder of the sentence, the judgment they call my life. They thought this is the kindest favor they can offer me, little did they know, that if I was brave enough I would have taken my own life, they don’t get it, and they can't get it; you see there is that one short story about a stupid bet between a banker and a young man, both were dumb if you ask me, one of them argued that after 50...or...15 or was it 25?…Well after a large number of years in confinement one would no longer have the capability to function as a normal willing human being. It would simply drain over time and the other thought the opposite, so the bet went on as one of them stayed under lock and key while the other lived fearing that they would lose the bet and their money (it was a loot of money) the only thing that could make the banker dude win was that the other guy’s escaped the day before the last he goes into the room to choke him but instead he finds a paper and on it was the confession of the imprisoned fool and he explains to him how through his years , his reflection and his readings, he no longer wants the money and he has changed his outlook at life completely and thus he will be running away from his cell before the time expires by one hour….Am starting to think am making this up maybe I am, I wouldn't blame you if you agree…. Anyway what I want you to understand is that pile of crap I just told you about is REAL, you become a piece of furniture, just another page in a looong PAINFUL novel.
They break us out of our cells at the beginning of the day so that they can indoctrinate us, we are simply told about what we should know, and what we shouldn’t know is never mentioned. Our own original ideas, you ask? Stripped bare of any chance of flourishing, diminished to nothing, more than trivial fantasy not even worthy of the slightest chance of receiving constructive criticism … the pain,, what really makes it painful is the hope , the cruelest instrument humans could allow you to wield to torture yourself…they let it hang there , the chance of redemption , the gun with the single bullet , that really REALLY shiny knife in the kitchen,, the open door AND THAT DAMNED WINDOW…ohhh wait you have no idea what am talking about do you ?
My cell, or as “they” call it , my room has a window; it is not barred; it is not high for me not to be able to reach it; it’s big enough for me to look through at the vast open nothing outside which is in all honesty mesmerizing and beautiful, sometimes it’s a barren dead charming desert, sometimes it’s alive chaotic green fields, other times its busy entangled grey yet shiny cities , and it kills me every time I look through my window, as I know am never leaving and they know that or at least my mind tells me that they do. Otherwise, I am the only one being cruel here and I am being cruel to myself. I would prefer to believe my own excuses than to face the truth, I can jump through my window by the way…but I don’t.
After our classes are finished they send me back …"home". I can see the yard and those trying futilely to exercise and play , try as they may what is dead is dead and may never live again , only living people can experience suicide , others  can only know the torment of breathing .
My supervisor drinks a lot, or not ? They also like to beat us, me and my cellmate. They don’t look happy when they are doing it, and they don’t look happy after they are done with it, but they do it A LOT, so I came to the conclusion that they like it and that the tears and crying I hear coming from their room, their office, are cries and tears of joy otherwise why would they be doing it all the time if they were crying sadly?? Anyway, their beatings never stopped my brother from using, oh wait I don’t want to confuse you, already you seem very smart? That got a chuckle out of me…let me explain , you get very close to your cellmate , when you live with someone for so long , you are bound to like them , so they grow on you and you grow on them and eventually you find yourself calling them brother., so my brother is using now, whatever he can get his hands on, he is ready to use, whether he will snort it, shoot it, smoke it, or drink it as long as it makes consciousness go away, as long as it can make the hope, the ability to feel and realize that you are still alive in pain stop as long as it can make him no longer feel the beatings, he never invites me to join him though! I don’t know what I would do if he did, I am not sure I am brave enough to try this, to try things that can do this to you, things that may make me feel alive or even more dead? I still don’t understand why he didn't jump out of the window or why he was so angry when I asked once out of mere curiosity if I can try one of his drugs.

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I am 13.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Love, My Dove (Bothaina Ayman, Visionaries)

My Love, My Dove
So many things to say,
But my lips are sealed.
'But it's a good day,'
I think to myself
'No! don't you dare speak'
My heart crammed with wishes
My mind alive with dreams, 
Alas my cheeks blush,
And my craving eyes gleam
How dare I confess,
When my tongue is tied?
My feelings are suppressed 
As well my lips had lied
To who?
To you,
My love,
My dove
I'm so sorry
That my words are all lies,
But I only worry,
That my love for you would die.
My love for you is a treasure 
That I can, in no way, measure.
My love for you is MY little secret,
For it's my absolute weakness.
My darling, can't you tell?
The way my eyes shine when I see you,
And my heart hammers as a thunderous bell.
Your smile is a treat to my eyes
That turns my thoughts upside down.
I point at you with heavy, secretive fingers
'That is where my heart lies'
Your voice is blessed, like a heavenly harp,
An angel would forfeit its wings,
Just to hear you sing
Oh how can I forget?
Your eyes that shine with mischief,
Yet shimmers would regret, 
When your feelings turn twisted
But what's the point in portraying your ostensible appearance?
My devotion for you, my highness, is gone
How foolish of me to believe,
To believe that love is for me.
Faked feelings,
Empty words,
Heart stealing,
Injured body
I gave you my love,
And what did you give me?
A hefty shove
But you are completely insane, 
To think that I'm in pain.
Oh dear, this is just the start,
For I have conned your heart
So let it rest for now,
As you next days
Are turning utterly foul
My 'love', my 'dove',
Good 'luck'

Chapter 1: Iris (Noha ElNahsar, Visionaries)

Chapter 1: Iris
The sound comes first then the pain in my ears begins to echo.
I wake up to the sound of someone giving orders in my ear. I should have noticed the chirping sounds of the birds or the ruffling leaves. Or even the fact that I’m lying in the middle of the street. But I don’t. It was only the sound in my ear. “Are you awake?” the voice in my ear starts. My hands move to my ears, tracing them, and I find a tiny headphone attached to it right where my earring should be. I speak without knowing whether the person on the other side can hear me. “Yes… yes, I’m awake.”
“Good!” the voice sounds enthusiastic. “Let me introduce myself then. Actually, I’m not alone; there’s a whole group of us.”
“There are others? Who are you exactly?”
“We are a team of archaeologists; we are the ones who sent you to this city. As you can see, the city is abandoned.” I look around to verify his words, and I mentally agree with him; the city is abandoned. He continues, “I know you might be wondering what you are doing here,” He pauses for a second. “Well, we want to play a game.”
“A game?” I ask incredulously. Couldn’t we play a game in my hometown? Or at least somewhere that doesn’t look like it came straight out of Jumanji?
The voice returns, “Yes, a game. Simple, really, but with rules that you have to follow. So listen carefully. There are four other people in this city; it’s a small city by the way. You have to find them and then you have to launch on a search for the list that gives you the rules. There are five rules. You have five hours to do so and if you fail, you’re stranded here. You can’t contact us; only we can contact you. And we won’t do so till you find the list. We’re watching you.”
I listen carefully to every word the masculine voice is saying, but I’m truly lost. What kind of maniac does something like this? But then I decide to go with the flow and see what happens. “That’s it?”
“Yes, that’s pretty much it.” The voice mutters something afterwards, as if he’s talking to someone else. I can almost hear him say, “Don’t worry; no, nothing is going to happen”.
“Okay,” I hesitate. But before I gain the courage to say anything else, the voice rushes on and says, “Well, good luck searching!” And the connection is cut.
I get up and shake the dirt off my pants as I wonder how on earth I got here and what exactly am I walking into. Then I think about the gravelly voice and feel the determination to win his game starting to crawl into my mind and seep into my body, filling me with a rush of adrenaline. And just like that I want to tear this city down and follow the rules to get out of here. I don’t realize that my feet started moving till I find myself wandering in a park. It doesn’t look any different from the other parks I’ve grown up in, but I still can’t shake the feeling of something creepy about it. For starters, the leaves on the trees have crisscrossing black streaks as if someone colored them, but when I touch them I find that those streaks are smooth to the touch, embedded within the leaves. I’m actually afraid to inhale them because what if they have a toxic smell or something? I watch too many movies to be that naïve. I look around the park that seems to extend immensely ahead of me. My eyes notice something first. The fountain in the middle. It’s a porcelain fountain with the statue of a huge owl erected in the middle of it, like an angel rising out of the water. Beside the fountain, something twinkles. I move closer to the fountain, hearing my footsteps as I go. Then I stop when I see it, a copper coin. Who has those anymore? And if I’m the first one to set foot in this city for years, how did it get here? Who did it belong to? Maybe it belonged to one of the other four. It’s a reminder I’m not alone. I pick it up and inspect it closely. Avivorous, the hidden gem of Iowa. Above the inscription is a smaller replica of the owl that stands before me. Oh, that must have been where they got the name Avivorous from. Weird but okay; I have a feeling this is going to be the least weird.
A sound jolts me out of my reverie and I slightly flinch. It’s coming from behind the half-black-half-green trees. It must be the others. “Hello,” I call. “Is anybody there?” When no one answers, I creep closer, almost reaching out to move the leaves out of my way when I feel a great weight knocking me down and falling on top of me, causing the coin to roll out of my hands. I feel the breath knocked out of my lungs as I fall flat on my chest.
When I look up I find a girl smirking down at me. “What are you doing?” I ask, unable to keep rage from dominating over me.
“Knocking you down obviously,” she huffs as she gets off me. She turns to the other three people standing by, watching us and says, “This one here isn’t that bright.” She looks at me, “Get up.” She offers me her hand. I take it
“So, I see you both have made peace,” a boy chuckles and gives a high five to the other two. One of the boys, the oldest I guess, steps forward and says, “Hey, stranger.” He smiles at me. “I’m Eliot; this is Clara,” he motions to the girl who just knocked me down and who is now giving me the brightest smile I’ve ever seen. “And this is Luca,” he pats the boy who gave high fives on the back. “And this is Ethan.” They all smile and nod their heads slightly.
“I,” I struggle with the words, not knowing how to respond to this rush of energy that overwhelms me. “I am Iris.” I smile nervously at them.
“Well, hello, Iris.” Ethan smirks seductively. I shake my head discreetly as Eliot chastises him and tells him to stay away from me. “She is a lost lunatic for all we know.”
“Okay, okay.” Clara raises her hands up in the air. “Iris, you do know what we’re up against, right?”
“Yes,” I nod. “The voice let me in on what we’re supposed to do.”
“The voice?” she inquires. “That’s what Laura told you to call her?”
“Who’s Laura?” I can feel the color draining out of my face by the time this question leaves my mouth. “It was a man who talked to me.”
“It was?” Luca raised an eyebrow then shrugged. “Well, Laura did say there was a group of archaeologists, so they must have divided themselves up.”
“Yeah,” I say as I move a tiny pebble around with my foot. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“So, there is a list we need to find first before they contact us.”
“What are we waiting for then?” Ethan grins and leads the way into the woods. I have no idea how those four get along or where they come from or where do I fit in their little family circle but one thing I’m sure of. I want to get out alive, and I will do anything to get out of here.

My Reflected Soul (Salma Gamal)

My Reflected Soul

You are the mirror to my soul and the direct way to my heart.
You are the calm breeze that tackles my face after a long day.
You are the sunshine of my life and the light of my heart.
You are my back that I always lean on whenever life gets to break me.
You are the vast sky filled with the shining stars of my dreams.
You are my eternal source of happiness and my running river of passion.
You are the keeper of my unspoken secrets and the savior of my unsettled acts.
You are the gate to my self and the key to my complicated mind.
You are the cure to my aching soul and the remedy of my suffering.
You are my harmony of felicity and strength.
You are the rainbow after an unstoppable rain.
You are the moon that lights up my life whenever dark it is.
You are the reason of my smiles and the secret behind my laughters
You are the promise that I will never break and the vow that I will always keep.
You are the cause of my gratefulness and satisfaction.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and eventually will happen.
You are my ever-lasting infinity that never seems to end.
You complete me and reflect me upon your beautiful soul....
I'm blessed and forever will be 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

الزائر المُميت (Salma Gamal)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم..
الزائر المُميت
كانت منهمكة في مذاكرة مادة الأحياء التي تعشقها،كل تركيزها علي الأسماء المعقدة التي يصعب حفظها ،و كأنها منشغلة هكذا لتششت نفسها عن أمر ما!
أمرٍ مزعج يكمن دائماً معها و يلازمها دائماً!و يا ليت تلك الأمر يتركها في حالها....
ظلت تذاكر هكذا حتي وجدت مياةٍ منهمرة علي إيديها.تركت قلمها و فجأة تبخرت الأسماء التي تعبت في في حفظها و كأن الكون يتلاشي من حولها، وثم استندت بظهرها إلي الوراء و باتت تسترجع ما سبب هذة المياة المنهمرة؟
يا الله لم الحياة هكذا؟ لم الحياة تظل مبتسمة ثم فجأة تكشر عن أنيابها المفترسة؟
انهمرت دموعها و بكثرة،و هي لا تعي كيف توقف تلك الفيضان!
كم تكره نفسها و هي في تلك الحالة!
توقفت عن البكاء و لم تعبأ بمسح دموعها و لكنها مضت تفكر!
لم دوماً تنتهي هكذا؟ لم البكاء؟لم الخوف!
نعم إنه الخوف! ذلك الوحش المخيف الذي يفترس ما تبقي من روحها المرحة كل يومٍ!
حياتها علي ما يرام! ليس يوجد ما يقلقها!
هي تفعل ما تحب و مِجدة في دروسها،تحب من حولها و كل شيءٍ حولها في هدوء و تناسب!
و لكن تعلمون تلك هي المشكلة!
فالعواصف المميتة يكون دوما قبلها الجو هاديء و مستقر!
هي خائفة من كل شيء! خائفة أن تصبح تلك الحياة الوردية بشعة لا روح بها! خائفة من سهام القدر المفاجأة التي تأتي في الصميم!
ماذا بعد؟ ستظل هكذا؟ الخوف يسرق عمرها يومٍ بعد يومٍ!
ليت أحد يفهمها! فكلما تُحدث أحدً عن شعورها أو مخاوفها تُتهم بالجنون و السطحية! فحياتها مثالية لم الخوف و القلق إذاً! لم هذا التفكير المتلوي؟!
كم مقتت الناس و كم أرادت أن تخبرهم أن هذا الشعور ليست هي من تختاره! إنه شعور يأتي وقتما يحب و يمكث مثلما يريد!
لقد ملت من كونها ضائعة هكذا بلا جدوي،و لكن ما الحل؟!
اعتدلت و قامت من علي مقعدها و قررت أن تتجه إلي شباك غرفتها و أن تنظر إلي الشوارع الخالية....و كأن لهذا الشباك مفعول سحري....
وقفت و الهواء البارد يصطدم بوجهها المُندي من الدموع،توقفت عن التفكير لبرهة و أشاحت بوجهها ناحية السيارات المتحركة.
ظلت تراقب السيارات في هدوء و ثم انتقل نظرها إلي المارة أمامها
تمعنت بهم شخصاً شخصاً.
ملابسهم،وجوههم،طريقة كلامهم،كيف يضحكون....مشطتهم تمشيطاً شاملا ً!
و فجأة صعق رأسها بعض الأسئلة التي لا إجابة لها!
"تُري هل يوجد من بين هؤلاء من هو مثلي؟"
"هل حياتهم علي ما يرام كما أري؟ أم هم يدفنون ما يؤلمهم بداخلهم!"
"هل إذا تحدثت مع أحداً منهم سوف يفهمني و يشعر بما يراودني؟"
شلالات من الأسئلة التي لا لون لها!
أسكتت أفكارها المتمردة و أغمضت أعينها و قررت أن تستمتع بالهواء الذي قليلا ً ما يمر من شباك غرفتها!
ظلت هكذا حتي شعرت أن روحها في مكانٍ و أن مخاوفها سجينة تشاهد روحها و هي طليقة!
تخيلت هذا الموقف و كأن خوفها مسجون،و هي حرة لا يوجد ما يقلقها!
و ثم أفاقت من تخيلها! و أطرقت تفكر....
لم لا تفعل هكذا في الحقيقة؟!
لماذا لم تسجن خوفها و تترك نفسها آمنة سعيدة؟!
لم هي دائماً أضعف!
هي لن تكون كذلك بعد الآن، إنه ليس بشيءً هين و لكن هي ملت من كونها ضعيفة و قلقة ولا بيدها حيلة!
أخذت نفساً عميقاً و كأنها تودع الهواء العليل،أغلقت شباك غرفتها ،و اتجهت إلي مقعدها لكي تُنهي ما لم تذاكره.
و كانت تعي بداخلها إنها سوف تكون مختلفة عن ما هي عليه! بطريقة أو بأخري!
و تمتمت لنفسها أن انتظار البلاء قبل حدوثه لن يجلب إلا مزيداً من البلاء،و إنه هي فقط من بيدها طرد تلك الزائر المميت الذي يسرق كل يوماً جزءٍ من فرحتها المفقودة.
نعم،يمكنها طرده و إلي الأبد...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Have You Seen Him? (Noha ElNashar, Visionaries)

Have You Seen Him?

Have you seen him? ‘Cause I’ve been looking. They try to hold me back, but I’m still looking. They don’t understand why I keep looking. And who is to blame them? They are oblivious to what I have seen and what I have felt. They tell me I should stop looking, but how can I? How can I when looking is the only thing that brings me happiness and keeps me sane? They give me weird looks when I say I’m not giving up, but it’s not my fault they have given up on their happiness.
They think I am the echo of every failed search. They think I should follow the rules, and they don’t get that I am the exception. They think I’m too optimistic. Well, I say they are too realistic. Why can’t I keep looking? I know what is waiting for me, so why not keep looking? They say I will get hurt. But I have; a thousand times, I have. And look at me now. Am I not standing? Why listen to them when I know my joy is in looking? Even if it takes a million years, my happiness is in looking. Why not keep looking if I’m willing? I’m willing to look and wait and hurt and smile and cry and yell. I’m willing to live.
They say the story should end here, but I’m willing to let it take a life of its own. They say everyone has a story to be told, but mine isn’t the perfect one to be passed on. And maybe it is not, but imperfection is where my happy ending waits to be picked up. They say I shouldn’t be so much of a fighter, but if I don’t fight for my happiness, what else have I got left? And maybe, after all, they are just jealous, for my happiness is in looking, and theirs is lost, for they have nowhere to look.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

آروي الغضبان

الله موجود، داخلي.
أراه في كل مكان أقصده، في البيت، في العمل، في الملهى، في المسجد والكنيسة والكنيس، أراه في كل مكان وأحب أن أراه .
ليس عندي لأحد دليل،لكن عندي أنا دليل يسكن داخل روحي وفي طيات قلبي،وأنا أقسم بحياة الذي لا يموت لو أن اجتمعت كل قوى العالم لتحاول انتزاعه من داخل نفسي لن تقدر ولن تستطيع.