Friday, May 15, 2015

The Cell (Omar ElFarouk, Visionaries)

The Cell

The following events take place inside a prison cell
Day in and day out, I am waiting for them to finish it all , for a bullet of mercy. For someone, FOR ANYONE to pull the plug on me; you see them, liberals, claim that capital punishment is a very cruel “crime” , crime they say!! They establish their fancy arguments about the powers that be, being as cruel and criminal as the cons themselves, well here I am sitting inside this frigging cell that I think I am more institutionalized then the bunk bed I sleep on every night when I can sleep. A bullet, a syringe, a noose, an electric shock, any of those would be a much needed mercy; a helping hand, a bridge that I am more than willing to cross over.
They ripped me of my humanity; oh was that too blunt for ya!! Did you need an Orwellian speech with descriptive details that make Brown and King seem like high school students, I guess you are one of them then?? Those ALIVE people...I am condemned to breathe here for the remainder of the sentence, the judgment they call my life. They thought this is the kindest favor they can offer me, little did they know, that if I was brave enough I would have taken my own life, they don’t get it, and they can't get it; you see there is that one short story about a stupid bet between a banker and a young man, both were dumb if you ask me, one of them argued that after 50...or...15 or was it 25?…Well after a large number of years in confinement one would no longer have the capability to function as a normal willing human being. It would simply drain over time and the other thought the opposite, so the bet went on as one of them stayed under lock and key while the other lived fearing that they would lose the bet and their money (it was a loot of money) the only thing that could make the banker dude win was that the other guy’s escaped the day before the last he goes into the room to choke him but instead he finds a paper and on it was the confession of the imprisoned fool and he explains to him how through his years , his reflection and his readings, he no longer wants the money and he has changed his outlook at life completely and thus he will be running away from his cell before the time expires by one hour….Am starting to think am making this up maybe I am, I wouldn't blame you if you agree…. Anyway what I want you to understand is that pile of crap I just told you about is REAL, you become a piece of furniture, just another page in a looong PAINFUL novel.
They break us out of our cells at the beginning of the day so that they can indoctrinate us, we are simply told about what we should know, and what we shouldn’t know is never mentioned. Our own original ideas, you ask? Stripped bare of any chance of flourishing, diminished to nothing, more than trivial fantasy not even worthy of the slightest chance of receiving constructive criticism … the pain,, what really makes it painful is the hope , the cruelest instrument humans could allow you to wield to torture yourself…they let it hang there , the chance of redemption , the gun with the single bullet , that really REALLY shiny knife in the kitchen,, the open door AND THAT DAMNED WINDOW…ohhh wait you have no idea what am talking about do you ?
My cell, or as “they” call it , my room has a window; it is not barred; it is not high for me not to be able to reach it; it’s big enough for me to look through at the vast open nothing outside which is in all honesty mesmerizing and beautiful, sometimes it’s a barren dead charming desert, sometimes it’s alive chaotic green fields, other times its busy entangled grey yet shiny cities , and it kills me every time I look through my window, as I know am never leaving and they know that or at least my mind tells me that they do. Otherwise, I am the only one being cruel here and I am being cruel to myself. I would prefer to believe my own excuses than to face the truth, I can jump through my window by the way…but I don’t.
After our classes are finished they send me back …"home". I can see the yard and those trying futilely to exercise and play , try as they may what is dead is dead and may never live again , only living people can experience suicide , others  can only know the torment of breathing .
My supervisor drinks a lot, or not ? They also like to beat us, me and my cellmate. They don’t look happy when they are doing it, and they don’t look happy after they are done with it, but they do it A LOT, so I came to the conclusion that they like it and that the tears and crying I hear coming from their room, their office, are cries and tears of joy otherwise why would they be doing it all the time if they were crying sadly?? Anyway, their beatings never stopped my brother from using, oh wait I don’t want to confuse you, already you seem very smart? That got a chuckle out of me…let me explain , you get very close to your cellmate , when you live with someone for so long , you are bound to like them , so they grow on you and you grow on them and eventually you find yourself calling them brother., so my brother is using now, whatever he can get his hands on, he is ready to use, whether he will snort it, shoot it, smoke it, or drink it as long as it makes consciousness go away, as long as it can make the hope, the ability to feel and realize that you are still alive in pain stop as long as it can make him no longer feel the beatings, he never invites me to join him though! I don’t know what I would do if he did, I am not sure I am brave enough to try this, to try things that can do this to you, things that may make me feel alive or even more dead? I still don’t understand why he didn't jump out of the window or why he was so angry when I asked once out of mere curiosity if I can try one of his drugs.

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I am 13.

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